JEHR call for paper Vol 14, Issue 2, 2022 – read more                                               JEHR New Online Submission system – read more                                               Guide line for Author – read more                                               Reviewer borad Members– read more                                               Peer View Process – read more                                               INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS – read more                                              

 Journal of Education And Humanities Research, University of Balochistan
ISSN: 2415-2366 (Print) 2710-2971 (Online)
Guide line for Author


1. Manuscripts in quadruplicate and in English should be submitted to the editor, Journal of Education and Huminites Research, Institute of Education and Research (IER), University of Balochistan, Quetta.

2. Manuscripts must have an abstract of 150-200 words and should be type on 6 x 9 inch white paper, upper and lower case, double spaced in entirety, with 1 inch margins on all slide. The type side should be at least 10.5 for running text 12 point for headings. Subhead should be reasonable intervals to break the monotony of length text. Words to be set in italics should be set in italic, not underlined. Abbreviation and acronyms should be spelled out at first mention unless they are well known to the readers (e.g. IQ needs no explanation).

3. Pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the page after the title page. Mathematical symbols and Greek letters should be clearly marked to indicate italics, boldface, superscript, and subscript.

4. A soft copy in Microsoft word saved compact disc (CD) should be sent to the editor along with four hard copies of the article. Tables and figure should be included on disk and hard copy.


5. The complete title of the article and the name of the author(s) should be typed only on the first sheet to ensure anonymity in the review process. Subsequent pages should have no author names. But may carry a short tile at the top. In formation in text are references that would identify the author should be deleted from the manuscripts (e.g. text citations of 'my previous work', especially when accompanied by self-citation; a preponderance of the authors on work in the reference list). These may be reinserted in the final draft. The first-named author or the co-author who will be handling the correspondence with the editor, clearing galleys, should submit a complete address and telephone numbers; fax numbers and e-mail addresses are also helpful.


6. The contributors are advised are to follow the publication manual of American Psychological Association (APA), 6th ed., for referencing. The accuracy and completeness of all references are the responsibility of the author(s). A reference list should contain only those reference that are cited in the text. Examples of references to a book, a chapter in a book and a general article follow:
Garner, R. (1987). Metacognition and reading comprehension. New York' Ablex

Tatasuoka, M. and silver, P. (1988). Quantitative research methods in education administration. In N. j. Boyan (Ed.) Handbook of research on educational administration (pp.) 677-701). New York: Long man.
Tyask, D.B. & Hansot, E. (1988). Silence and policy talk: historical puzzles about gender and education. Educational Researcher. 17 (3), 33-41

7. References notes referring to material that is not readily available to the public e.g. reports of limited circulation. Unpolished works, personal communications, papers presented at meetings some technical reports and works in progress) should include as much information as possible to make them retrievable.

8. The purpose of the tables and figures is to present data to the reader in a clear and unambiguous manner. The author should not describe the data in the text in such detail that illustration or text is redundant. Figures and tables should be keyed to the text. Tables should each be typed on a separate sheet and attached at the end of manuscript (after the references). Tables will be typed.

9. After a preliminary editorial review, article will be sent to referees who have expertise in the subject of article of blind review. Authors/ contributors will be informed about comments of the referees and will be required to revise the article accordingly, if required.

10. Manuscripts are accepted for consideration with the understanding that they are original material and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.



Chief Editor (JEHR)

Dr. Abdul Nasir Kiazai

Institute of Education & Research, University of Balochistan, Quetta.

Email: jehr@uob.edu.pk

Contact: +92-333-7949491

Landline No. +92-81-29211245

Fax No. +92-81-2921124

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