The department of Pashto was established in 1974 in the building of the Pakistan Study Centre, University of Balochistan, Quetta.
The department of Pashto , department of Brahvi and department of Balochi have jointly started their programs under the supervision of the Director Pak Study Centre.
The two prominent Pashto scholars , writers , folklorist and well known Professors Wali Mohammad Khan Sial Kakar and Professor Syed Abid Shah Abid were the ever first founder of this department .
Professor Wali Mohammad Khan Sial Kakar was appointed as the first Chairman of this department. Professor Sial Kakar served in this department from the very beginning up to 4th December,1998.After that Mr. Nazar Mohammad Panezai Assistant Professor was appointed as the Chairman of this department and He worked on this post till to his retirement ,( up to 31st oct,2006.).
After that Dr. Nasrullah Jan Wazir has been appointed as the Chairman of the department from 1st Nove,2006 up to now.
The department produced its first batch of Masters in 1979, producing outstanding scholars who contributed a lot toward Pashto language and literature .
The department extended admission facilities to M.Phil / Ph.D in 1997 / 2004 respectively. Since 1997 Two Ph.D and Five M.Phil scholars have been produced .While One Ph.D and Nine M.Phil scholars are enrolled in the department on various research program.
The Department of Pashto have also started a Bi-Annual and Bi-Lingual Research Journal �TAKATOO� from January, 2009 which is sponsored by Higher Education Commission Islamabad and its recognition is in process.
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