1. Introduction
1.1 Economics is a discipline of social
sciences. It studies relationship between needs and scarce means which have
alternative uses. Economics, is the study of general principals of
administration of resources, of an individual, a household, a business, or a
State; this also includes the examination of the way in which waste arises in
all such administration.
1.2 Economic phenomenon or activity means every systematic Endeavour to satisfy
a material need, or more precisely one which seeks with the available means to
achieve the best possible results, or a given result with the least possible
1.3 The Department of Economics is the oldest and largest economics department
among all the public sectors universities of Baluchistan.
2. Objectives
2.1 To provide qualified and focused professionals in
the economics to meet the future needs of public and private sectors and
research institutes.
2.2 To prepare researchers to meet the needs of the public and private sectors
research organizations.
2.3 To foster an environment that promotes learning through quality teaching and
research, while encouraging mutual respect, tolerance and sensitivity.
2.4 To prepare researchers to meet the needs of industry and research
organizations, science and technology at the federal and provincial level.
2.5 To develop personality of raw
hands through continuous guidance and counseling.
3. Job Opportunities /
Marketability Of Graduates
3.1 Provincial & federal public sector departments; Planning & Development,
Irrigation, Agriculture, Industries, Finance, Trade & Commerce
3.2 Financial Institutions & organizations such as; Planning Commission, State
Bank, Commercial Banks, Zari Taraqiathi Bank, Micro Finance Banks, Development
Financial institutions PICIC, TDAP, BOI, Research Institutes
3.3 Private Sector Organizations
3.4 Bilateral and Multilateral International Development Donor Organizations
e.g. World Bank, UNDP, JICA, CIDA, etc.
3.5 NGOs (local, national and international)
VPN Forms and detailed
Smart University WIFi Forms
and detailed procedure.
Examination Notifications.
Roll Number Slips.
Result Notifications.
Viva & Seminars.