Volume 17, Issue 1 (2024) has been issued – read more                                               JEHR New Online Submission system – read more                                               Guide line for Author – read more                                               Reviewer borad Members– read more                                               Peer View Process – read more                                               INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS – read more                                              

Journal of Education And Humanities Research, University of Balochistan
ISSN: 2415-2366 (Print) 2710-2971 (Online)
Indexing & Abstracting

               Applied for indexing & abstracting from TEHQEEQAT.ORG


Chief Editor (JEHR)

Dr. Abdul Nasir Kiazai

Institute of Education & Research, University of Balochistan, Quetta.

Email: jehr@uob.edu.pk

Contact: +92-333-7949491

Landline No. +92-81-29211245

Fax No. +92-81-2921124

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