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AL-BURZ (Annual Research Journal, Department of Brahui, University of Balochistan Quetta)

ISSN 2071-9477 (print), ISSN 2521-408X (online)

Al-Burz 2009 (Brahui Articles)


Bráhuí Inşháíyá, ná Tahkíkí o Tankídí Tabsiraģátá ase jác as. (abstract)

Abdul Latif Bangulzai

pp. 1-21

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Brahui Xalkí Şáirí, Xalkí Zind ná Ádenk. (abstract)

Youasf Mengal

pp. 22-35

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Bráhuí Şáirí ŧí Rúmánvíat o Kilasíkíat (abstract)

Prof. Dr. Hameed Shahwani

pp. 36-52

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Maktaba Bráhuía Dínpúr ná niáŕí nivişta kárk (abstract)

Abdul Qayyum Baidar

pp. 53-70

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Lolí o Angrezí Aed ŧí Báhuí razmía Şáirí ná jác (abstract)

Abida Sami

pp. 71-84

Full Text


Editor: Dr. Liaqat Sani

AL-Burz:  ISSN 2071-9477

Brahui Department, University of Balochistan, Quetta-Pakistan.

Tel:                  (+92) (081) 9211008

E-mail:            alburz@uob.edu.pk  

Website:         http://alburz.uob.edu.pk

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