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Code of Conduct

Respect for others:

I agree to act with respect toward all those I come into contact with through sport;
I refrain from comments or behaviours that are abusive, offensive, racist, sexist or otherwise belittling or demeaning to others;
I do not harass or tolerate harassment by others;
⚬ I respect others as persons and treat them with dignity;
⚬ I respect the privacy of others;
⚬ I do not endanger the safety of others through my actions.

Respect for self

⚬ I act with fairness and integrity in the pursuit of excellent sport;
⚬ I practise drug-free sport and accept doping control;
⚬ I avoid the abuse of alcohol and use of illegal drugs.

Respect for sport
⚬ I strive for personal excellence in sport;
⚬ I honour and respect the spirit and traditions of sport;

⚬ I do not impede the preparation for competition of other competitors or teammates;

⚬ I respect the decisions of judges and officials;

⚬ I promote drug-free sport.

Respect for University of Balochistan

⚬ I accept University of Balochistan rules, policies, and procedures governing events and competitions in which I participate;

⚬ I comply with the reasonable requests of University of Balochistan officials;

⚬ I accept that I am an ambassador for the sport and University of Balochistan;

⚬ I refrain from any action that might bring the sport or University of Balochistan into disrepute.

Respect for property

⚬ I respect the property and livelihood of others, and refrain from vandalism, theft and other forms of mischief

Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action by the University of Balochistan.

Such action may result in the player losing privileges that come from membership University of Balochistan, including the opportunity to participate in

University of Balochistan activities.

(Adopted from United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention)




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Youth Development Centre

University of Balochistan, Saryab Road, Quetta, Pakistan

Main Exchange +92 81-9211008


Directorate of Student Affairs

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