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To work collaboratively with alumni and potential employers to enhance students' career development.
To create a welcoming, accessible and student-centered environment that motivates students to participate in career development programmes.
⚬ To promote the integration of experiential learning (i.e. Community Services, CO-OPS and internships) and career education into UoB life and

   promoting their advantages to faculty and students.
⚬ To deliver high quality job search resources and programs
To organize career and job search events.
⚬ To develop a comprehensive network of UoB alumni, staff, and faculty.

To connect UoB faculty, career services office, students with local, national, and international employers
To provide assistance to students at any stage of their career development through mentoring, individualized coaching, counseling,
   programs, resources etc.
To assist students learn the art of self-assessment, career-goal setting, self-marketing, and job search skills
To develop a comprehensive Internship Programs for all students to assist them in preparing for and applying for internships that enable
   them to achieve their career goals..
To develop outreach programmes to increase awareness of job/internship opportunities within surrounding UoB neighborhoods, Quetta city, and

To contribute to community using specific expertise of UoB's Office of Career Services and Internships.
⚬ Providing recruiting opportunities to employers at UoB.

⚬ To contribute to UoB admissions and retention goals.


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Youth Development Centre

University of Balochistan, Saryab Road, Quetta, Pakistan

Main Exchange +92 81-9211008


Directorate of Student Affairs

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